Saturday, January 25, 2025

Bags & Other Things, Like Hats, and Other Stuff

More Canvas Work! Yeah!

Read more: More Canvas Work! Yeah! One of our friends has a life preserver bag that has seen better days. The bag is mounted to the aft rail of his boat. In the event it's needed, the person at the helm can quickly reach the encased life preserver and hurl it at the victim in the water.

The situation here is the original bag shows signs of degradation and the attachment straps were failing - hence the unit was typically stored in a locker rather than mounted on the rail - resulting in a potential safety consideration. Therefore, the question at hand, was there anything we might do to help out?

Read more: More Canvas Work! Yeah!

Sure, let's make a bag from matching Sunbrella used elsewhere on is boat to make a new bag that would encase the original bag! I apologize, I forgot to rotate this picture.

Read more: More Canvas Work! Yeah!

Steve's Bike Bag

Read more: Steve's Bike Bag OK, before you start thinking you've discovered an article about bags designed to appeal to the motorized crowd, which we're not opposed to making - after all, Alan and I are both long-time licensed motorcycle operators, but this article pertains to a derivative of the Model 1117 bag we came up with a couple of months ago. However, this bag is designed to fit in a pannier on Steve's bicycle (a pannier is basically a bag with a frame and is attached to the bicycle, usually behind the rider on one or either side of the rear wheel - something like a bike basket). You see, Steve only lives a few blocks from the downtown area and major grocery stores. While he's been seen driving his car around town on rare occasion, he's far more frequently observed riding his bike, I suppose due to the associated health benefits, and because it's good for the environment - it could also be that Steve is even more fiscally conservative than me, but I'm not sure that's possible! On the other hand, maybe that's part of why we get along so well.

Read more: Steve's Bike Bag

Cargo Bag



Given this project is self-funded, Alan and I meandered the local craft stores and were delighted when Maggie pointed us in the direction of fabric for an incredibly low cost of only $2.00 per yard! Imagine our surprise, and the surprise of the clerk asking what the heck we were doing unloading her racks of fabric as we dug through the rolls to get to the good stuff - you know, the $2.00/yard rolls. Only $200 later Maggie proudly escorted us out of the store with that gleam in her eye that only those who truly understand the value of retail therapy can fully appreciate - her mother has trained her well. 

Look what you can get for only $2.00 per yard

Read more: Cargo BagRead more: Cargo Bag


A new site is born, well it is in the making or should I say all the details are getting sewn up.