About Us

About Us

In breaking with tradition among most websites, our "About Us" page is noted for it's lack of slick advertising and ten dollar terminology used to convince the reader we're something that we're not. With that said, this website is developed strictly for the fun of it by two old geezers and is for our own reference - and to share our interests with a few others.

As long-time friends, Russ and Alan (hence RussAlan) thought it would be fun to learn about upholstery, canvas, sail, and related sewing stuff. Given the century of collective experiences and far too much confidence, we embarked on this odyssey in grand fashion. Claiming an unused basement room and renovating it for use as a sewing and upholstery work space at Russ's house, we managed to fill a 400 square foot room with two industrial sewing machines, a whole lot of table area, and a wee bit of space where we can work on upholstery projects. Alan has a duplex garage turned wood shop at his place.

By day, Russ teaches at the local university and Alan serves the Ames community as an IT professional. Outside of those roles we've known each other as neighbors and friends and have enjoyed being a part of each other's extended family for the past few decades. 

Our goal in this adventure is to learn new skills, have fun playing with the toys, and if we're lucky, find a way to pay for our expenses!